ice age 3

Diposting oleh abdul wakhid
Rabu, 10 November 2010

Ellie (Queen Latifah) and Manny (Ray Romano) are expecting their first child, and Manny is obsessed with making life perfect and safe for the family, since his first experiences as a husband and father went bad when his family were killed by hunters. At the same time, Diego (Denis Leary) finds himself unable to catch a cocky gazelle (Bill Hader) he has been stalking and decides to leave the herd, believing that he is losing his predatory nature as a tiger. Sid (John Leguizamo) grows jealous of Manny and Ellie and adopts three apparently abandoned eggs that he finds in an icy underground cavern and call them Eggbert, Shelly, and Yoko. Manny tells him to put them back, but Sid instead looks after the eggs, which hatch into baby Tyrannosaurus the next morning.
Although Sid tries his best to raise the three dinosaurs, their rambunctious behavior scares away all the other animals young and ruins a playground Manny built for Ellies baby. A female Tyrannosaurus, Momma, whose eggs Sid stole, soon returns and carries both Sid and her young underground, with Diego in pursuit. Manny, Ellie, Crash, and Eddie (Seann William Scott, Josh Peck) follow as well and discover that the icy cavern leads to a vast jungle populated by dinosaurs thought to be extinct. Here, an Ankylosaurus threatens the herd despite Diegos efforts to fend it off; they are saved from a further crowd of angry reptiles by an insane, one-eyed weasel named Buckminster, or Buck (Simon Pegg).
Buck has been living in this jungle for some time and is chasing Rudy (a huge albino Baryonyx), intending to avenge the eye he lost to it. He agrees to lead the herd through the jungles perils to Lava Falls, where Momma has taken Sid and her babies. In the meantime, Sid and Momma try to outdo each other in feeding the offspring; he loses this contest, but is soon welcomed into the family regardless. The next day, however, Sid is separated from the family and attacked by Rudy. Sid is knocked onto a loose rock slab that is floating on a river of lava and about to plummet over the falls.
As the herd moves toward Lava Falls, Ellie goes into labor and a Guanlong pack strikes, causing a rock slide that separates her from Manny and Diego. Manny doubles back to protect her and Diego fends off further attacks, while Buck takes Crash and Eddie ahead to rescue Sid. Just as he goes over the falls, the trio swoops in on a commandeered Pteranodon only to been chased by a flock of Quetzalcoatlus on the way and saves his life. Manny reaches Ellie, and there is suddenly a reaction, the cry of a newborn baby, then he sees that it is a girl. He wants to name her Ellie, or Little Ellie, but Ellie instead names her Peaches after the fruit (and the codeword they had chosen for Ellie to use if she went into labor during the trip). Sid is saddened at the fact that he never had a chance to say goodbye to "his" children as he returns to the herd and learns of Peaches' birth.
Before they can exit the jungle, Rudy attacks at full force; Buck lures Rudy away from the group and is nearly eaten himself, before Diego saves him at the last second. They then ensnare him briefly, but he escapes and resumes his onslaught. The herd is saved by the timely arrival of Momma, who charges at Rudy and knocks him off a cliff before roaring her victory. As she and her children wish Sid well, Buck now without a purpose in life since Rudy is gone decides to join the herd and live on the surface. However, a distant roar tells him that Rudy is still alive; he changes his mind and sends the herd home, blocking off the path to the underground jungle at the same time so that no one else can go down there. Manny and Ellie welcome Peaches into their frozen world and admit that Sid did a good job looking after Momma's children (though Manny tells Diego that he will never let Sid babysit Peaches). Diego decides to remain with the herd, while Buck stays where he wants to be: underground, battling it out with Rudy.
Scrat and Scratte
Like the previous Ice Age films, the film opens with the saber-toothed squirrel Scrat (Chris Wedge), who does everything he can to retrieve his precious acorn. This time, he falls in love with his female counterpart Scratte (Karen Disher), with the song "You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine" by Lou Rawls playing in the background, but an acorn appears instead after the music stops. The two fight over the acorn with Scratte is flung off the ground. As Scrat tries to save her, the two hold onto the acorn and the music starts back. Suddenly, she demonstrates her ability to glide like a flying squirrel, leaving Scrat falling to the ground. The two eventually fall in love after Scrat saves her from falling to her death in the lava river while she is unconscious. He even chooses to focus his attention on her instead of the acorn until the end of the film, when he tires of her finicky nature and reverts to his old ways. The ensuing fight between the couple leads to a volcanic explosion that hurls Scrat and the acorn back to the surface, leaving Scratte trapped underground. However, as Scrat is about to enjoy his acorn, a stray piece of ice falls on him and knocks the acorn back into Scratte's hands. He screams in frustration, having lost both his acorn and Scratte.

Diposting oleh abdul wakhid
Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Chord Kangen Band Bintang 14 hari

Author : FaHmY
Intro : D G D A
empat belas hari kumencari dirimu
untuk menanyakan dimanakah dirimu
empat belas hari ku datangi rumahmu
agar engkau tahu tertatih ku menunggumu

aku kangen sama kamu
apa kamu udah gak sayang aku

maafkan lah aku lari dari kenyataan
bukan karna aku tak punyai rasa sayang
maafkan lah aku mencoba tuk berlari
karna suatu nanti engkau pasti kan mengerti

kamu pacar terbaikku
walau hanya sekejab di hati


D A Em Bm
Mengapa hanya sekejab saja
kumerasakan indahnya
Em Bm
dengan dirimu
D A Em Bm
Mengapa hanya untaian kata
kurasa tiada sempurna
Em Bm
cerita cinta kita

Intro : D A Em Bm
D A F#

Ending : D

Related Chords:

Diposting oleh abdul wakhid
Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Lirik Lagu Ungu Band – Percaya Padaku

Aku tak tahu apa yang kurasakan
Dalam hatiku saat pertama kali
Lihat dirimu melihatmu

Seluruh tubuhku terpaku dan membisu
Detak jantungku berdetak tak menentu
Sepertinya aku tak ingin berlalu

Berikan cintamu juga sayangmu
Percaya padaku ku ‘kan menjagamu
Hingga akhir waktu menjemputku

Ku berikan cintaku juga sayangku
Percaya padaku ku ‘kan menjagamu
Hingga akhir waktu menjemputku

Saat ku tahu kau akan pergi jauh
Izinkan aku ‘tuk selalu menatimu
Untuk katakan ku ingin dirimu

Agar kau tahu betapa ku terlalu
Mencintaimu aku akan menunggu
Hingga dirimu kembali untukku

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Tolonglah aku bagaimana diriku
Ungkapkan itu rasa yang membelenggu
Dalam hatiku ku cinta padamu

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Diposting oleh abdul wakhid
Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

               Drum sebenarnya bermacam-macam : Ada snare, tom-tom, bass, conga, tymbal, mondo, bedug, tabla... dll, mereka sebenarnya adalah drum, karena memainkannya dengan cara dipukul. Tetapi yang kita bahas adalah DRUMSET, yang bisa dibilang bentuk drum modern. Drumset itu sendiri sebenarnya terdiri atas 3 Bagian,


2.tom-tom = Untuk tom-tom masih dapat dibagi dua lagi, yaitu: Mounted tom dan floor tom-tom (tergantung dari peletakan dan diameter saja)

3.Bass drum.

ketiga unsur tersebut masih ada beberapa unsur penting lagi, yaitu
cymbal, hardware (pedal, hihat stand, cymbal stand, snare stand, tom
holder/tom stand) dan drumhead.


terdiri atas berbagai macam ukuran baik dalam kedalamannya dan
diameternya. Ukuran suatu drum biasnya ditulis 12x10 yang maksudnya
adalah kedalamannya 12 inchi dan diameternya 10 inchi. Diameter tom-tom
bervariasi, biasanya tom-tom paling kecil berdiameter 6", dan berlanjut
ke 8", 10", 12", 13", 14", 15", 16", 18" dan 20". Ukuran tom-tom 14"
keatas dapat digolongkan sebagai floor tom-tom, tetapi tergantung dari
peletakannya juga. Tom-tom menggunakan 2 drumhead, atas dan bawah,
kecuali pada tahun 70-an dimana tom-dan bass drum hanya menggunakan 1
drumhead saja, dan suaranya jelek sekali. Badan tom-tom atau yang biasa
disebut dengan shell terbuat dari kayu. Untuk drum kelas pemula
biasanya menggunakan kayu Mahogany dan untuk kelas professional
biasanya menggunakan kayu Birch dan Maple. Kayu Birch dan Maple lebih
mahal karena menghasilkan suara atau tone yang bulat dan jernih. Kayu
pada tom-tom biasanya mempunyai ketebalan dari 4 sampai 10 mm. Semakin
tipis kayu maka suara yang dihasilkan semakin kaya dan sensitive.
Sedangkan semakin tebal kayu suara yang dihasilkan semakin keras,
tetapi suaranya tidak terlalu kaya dan kurang sensitive.

Bass Drum

drum tidak terlalu berbeda dengan tom-tom, hanya bass drum mempunyai
diameter yang lebih besar, 16", 18", 20", 22", 24" dan bahkan 26" atau
lebih. Dan bass drum dipukul dengan menggunakan pedal dan ditaruh
dibawah. Tetapi suara bass drum tidak seperti tom-tom yang bersuara
"Dung..." tetapi cenderung bersuara "Dug..." (lebih mati suaranya).
Kayu bass drum cenderung lebih tebal untuk menghasilkan suara yang
lebih keras dan untuk ketahanan drum itu sendiri.

Snare Drum

drum adalah drum yang paling berbeda diantara lainnya (dari bentuk dan
suaranya). Dan snare drum merupakan unsur utama dari drumset (yang
paling sering dipukul). Drum ini biasanya berukuran 10" sampai 15",
tetapi yang paling biasa digunakan adalah ukuran 14". Yang membuat
perbedaan pada snare drum yaitu pada bagian bawah drum tersebut. Di
bawahnya menggunakan kawat-kawat yang berbentuk spiral atau yang
sebenarnya dinamakan Snare Wire /Strainer. Benda itulah yang membuat
perbedaan pada snare drum. Jika anda memukul head atasnya maka snare
wire dibawah segera merespon, dengan cara 'memukul' kembali head bawah
dan menghasilkan suara yang tajam. Maka dari itu, sebenarnya 'nyawa'
dari snare drum terletak pada snare wirenya. Jika snare wirenya dilepas
maka suara yang dihasilkan hampir sama dengan tom-tom.


lagi-lagi merupakan 'nyawa' bagi drumset, karena hampir tidak mungkin
bermain drum tanpa cymbal (ibaratnya seperti makan nasi tanpa nasi,
nggak makan donk...). Cymbal terdiri atas 4 jenis mereka yaitu:

  1. Hihat cymbal:
    cymbal dan drum. Berguna untuk menjaga waktu/tempo. terdiri atas
    sepasang cymbal. berukuran 8" sampai 15". Ukuran standart 14"

  2. Ride cymbal:
    fungsinya dengan hihat tetapi dengan bentuk dan suara yang berbeda.
    Hanya terdiri dari satu cymbal tetapi berukuran besar 18" sampai 22".
    ukuran standar 20"

  3. Crash cymbal:
    Berguna untuk memberi phrase/nada pada suatu lagu. Berukuran 13" sampai 22" tergantung dari selera pemain.

  4. Efek cymbal:
    cymbal terdiri atas Splash, bell, china dan swiss. Berguna untuk
    memberi 'warna' khusus pada suatu lagu. Splash dan bell biasanya
    berukuran 6" sampai 12" dan untuk china dan swiss biasanya berukuran
    16" sampai 22".

Hardware terdiri atas berbagai macam bentuk dan fungsi:

  1. Pedal:
    untuk memukul bass drum, juga tersedia double pedal, yaitu pedal yang
    menggunakan 2 pedal dan 2 pemukul atau beater untuk mendapatkan suara
    yang lebih pada bass drum.

  2. Hihat stand:
    menempatkan hihat cymbal yang terdiri atas 2 buah cymbal sehingga anda
    dapat membuka dan menutup kedua cymbal itu dengan kaki kiri anda.

  3. Cymbal stand:
    Untuk menempatkan segala macam jenis cymbal kecuali hihat.

  4. Snare stand:
    Untuk menempatkan Snare drum dan anda dapat merubah posisinya sesuka anda.

  5. Tom holder/tom stand:
    Berguna untuk memasang tom-tom.

Drumhead mempunyai ukuran, type, fungsi dan ketebalan yang berbeda. Drumhead terdiri atas 3 bagian; Pertama Batter head, yaitu drumhead yang dirancang khusus untuk dipukul. Kedua, Resonant hanya ditaruh pada bagian bawah tom-tom dan bagian depan bass drum.
Head ini tidak untuk dipukul, head ini berguna untuk memberi 'hidup'
pada tom-tom dan bass drum. Dan terakhir adalah snare side, khusus
hanya untuk ditaruh dibagian bawah snare untuk mendapatkan suara snare
wirenya. Snare side merupakan head yang paling tipis. Ingat, tidak
untuk dipukul.

Diposting oleh abdul wakhid
Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Cut Tari denies sex video with Ariel

JAKARTA, INDONESIA: After Luna Maya, it's now actress and presenter Cut Tari's turn to make the headlines over the leaking of a private sex video onto the web, allegedly showing her and pop band Peterpan's vocalist Ariel partaking in some steamy bedroom exercise.

The video, which has been circulating on the Internet over the past two days, has shocked Tari, who hasn't been seen recently on the infotainment show she regularly hosts.

"Cut Tari denied the woman in the tape was her. She swore to her family it wasn't her," said the actress' lawyer Malik Bawazier, as quoted by

"She's truly in shock. She can't believe someone could do this to her," he added.

Tari's husband Jusuf Subrata said he believed in his wife.

"I trust her, and I'm highly confident the woman in the video isn't Tari," said Yusuf, who married Tari in 2004.

"I know Tari is a very responsible woman."

Rumour has it the videos featuring Tari and Luna are only the tip of the iceberg, with a total of 32 sex tapes soon to be leaked to the public.

The videos are said to show a man resembling to Ariel having sex with different women, of whom seven are celebrities.

Ariel was reportedly blackmailed after losing his laptop.

Until today, no reporter has managed to confirm the rumours with Ariel.

Meanwhile, the National Police has just kicked off an investigation to find out who is responsible for uploading the clips on the Internet.

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